Apple with 1.8 billion active Apple devices

Apple has grown drastically over the pandemic both in terms of valuation and customer base now with 1.8 billion active Apple devices in the world.

In 2020 the number was only accountable for 1.5 billion active devices, however the pandemic has led to more tech savvy consumers.

The term active is realised by Apple as a device that has engaged with an Apple service in the past 90 days.

Although the growth of Apple has been very strong over the past few years, they still have some way to go to reach the Google Android user number, which is over 3 billion.

However, as not all Android devices use the Google Play Store, the actual number of Android devices is likely much higher.

Windows now count 1.4 billion active users on Microsoft Windows 10/11 devices and the Xbox series X and S.

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