The world’s second largest smartphone maker, Huawei have been barred from some updates of the Android operating system. New Huawei handsets are currently in a position where they will lose Google Applications.
The trump administration have added Huawei to a list of companies for which a licence is required to trade. However, all stock currently in circulation will continue to receive the security updates.

So as a Huawei user, what will happen to you?
Well as of today (21/05/2019) all existing handset will be able to update and continue to receive security fixes.
But, Android will be releasing the new version in a few months and that update may not be available on existing devices.
In addition to that, handsets yet to be in circulation may no longer have applications such as YouTube and Google Maps.
What’s Huawei going to do next?

Well it was actually a week ago that the Trump administration adder Huawei to the “entity list”, this basically means that the company is banned from acquiring US technology without government approval.
You may recall earlier this month we posted an article explaining how Huawei will be supplying some of the UK 5G components, an issue which president Trump vocalized his concerns.
Huawei have already commented on actions like these, chief executive Ren Zhengfei, “We have already been preparing for this.”. “Huawei has been working hard on developing its own App Gallery and other software assets in a similar manner to its work on chipset solutions. There is little doubt these efforts are part of its desire to control its own destiny,”
Well Its smartphones already are powered by their own proprietary processors, and a couple of months ago its consumer devices chief told German newspaper Die Welt that “we have prepared our own operating systems – that’s our plan B”.
We will keep an eye on the story as it unfolds, and have changed the algorithm within our recommendation to reflect future handsets which may be affected, so don’t worry we have already taken the correct steps to ensure you are getting the right lifestyle recommendation.