Unconfirmed reports are arising regarding a new Apple operating system so called the RealityOS using a virtual and augmented reality headset.
A trademark filing has been spotted online by a few Apple buffs, which rings true to some of the software branding found on IOS.
Apple has not officially filed for this trademark, most larger companies will have filings made on their behalf and they will have no relation to the source until a product is released.
Rumours around the Apple virtual reality hardware has been all the news for the past couple of years with the expected release imminent, however seemingly not coming to fruition.
However, this time it really could be true with news hitting earlier this year that the board members have been trying out the new hardware.
The trademark itself references, “wearable computer hardware” and the relationship between “design and development of computer hardware, software, peripherals, and computer and video games.”
A lot of credence has been given to the abilities of the so far unavailable hardware with a mix of virtual reality and augmented reality experiences.
With the capability of immersing the user in the virtual content or layering virtual elements over the real world.