WhatsApp are Watching…
Well I will start with a correction of an overtly presumptuous blog title; it was not WhatsApp themselves, but hackers who have been able to remotely install surveillance software on handsets and other devices, which run the WhatsApp application.
A fix was rolled out last week by the Facebook company after claiming the attack had only targeted select users and was conducted by an “advanced cyber actor”.
It seems the attack originated in Israel by a security firm. The attack was first discovered earlier this month, but it was only Monday when WhatsApp got in contact with its customers to explain they need to update.
The hack was very interesting in nature, using the call function to ring a targets device thus allowing the software to be installed.
WhatsApp claim to have immediately released the breach to the right channels upon discovery. The attack itself has hallmarks, which relate to government spyware using all functions of the device, which has been hacked.
So, who are the NSO Group and why are they hacking our comms? Well they are an Israeli company that has been referred to in the past as a “cyber-arms dealer”.
So what data could they have access to on your device, well if they have managed to hack into it they could now have access to microphones, cameras and location data.
Are you one of the targets?
Well it is too soon to know, WhatsApp have yet to access the vulnerability in order to gather this information, however it does expect the hackers have cast a wide net.
We will keep an eye out on the happenings and update you should anything further occur.