Will we see Motorola back as a flagship handset

Motorola was once one of the largest mobile phone brands in the world with the Razr flagship handset, however in recent years that ship seems to have sailed.

Currently the ranges consist of the Moto E at entry level, Moto G, which is slightly higher, the Motorola One at Mid range and finally their Z series, that sits above the rest but firmly below the leading brands.

But, that may soon be about to change, Motorola seem to be embarking upon a new flagship phone to oust the market leader, or at least compete.

When the Z series first went on sale in 2016 it truly was a competitor for the top spot as the best handset on the market, with features bringing it in line with the Samsung S7.

However, from this point onward it seemed they just couldn’t keep up, the Z2 Force came out the following year, and despite rivalling the Samsung S8 on features, the sales were a lot lower than to be expected.

From this point on the sales and the tech have dwindled in comparison to the flagships and Motorola has retreated from the top tier.

It’s very possible that the aforementioned Razr will be the new flagship handset, as it once was. Packing a name which could revitalize some interest from those with a bit of nostalgic love for the once fabled foldable handset.

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