Mastercard teams up with Samsung to Digitalise ID

You may remember a few months ago Apple revealed a team up with Goldman Sachs to offer a credit card service, well now Samsung have teamed up with Mastercard, but not just for money. The new partnership has been established to improve security.

Mastercard have confirmed the will be working with Samsung in order to develop and release a new digital identity security system across their mobile devices.

This is following Apple having just declared they wish for the iPhone to replace passports.

Back to Samsung now as this is big news, it could bring an end to having to remember passwords and login details, instead relying on the biometric data or a single digital ID.

Yongje Kim, EVP and head of service business office at Samsung Electronics Mobile Division stated;

“At Samsung, we believe consumers should be in complete control of the privacy and security of their personal identity and we’re excited to work with Mastercard to bring the first digital identity solution to Samsung smartphones”.

Microsoft very recently announced a similar partnership with Mastercard in order to facilitate another digital ID service.

Ajay Bhalla, president of cyber & intelligence at Mastercard declared that;

“Our digital and physical lives are merging and we need a digital identity solution that reflects this reality”.

“Without control over how their data is used, people rely on outdated systems that can compromise their security.

Our collaboration with Samsung advances a digital identity solution that is bound to a trusted device – the mobile phone – which is used by millions of people every day.”

It’s great to see that our security is being taken so seriously, however should governments have more of a say in the protection of our personal data?

Will the future of identification and passports really be left to private sector companies, rather than your government. Is this open to abuse, or do we now trust tech conglomerates as much as we trust our elected officials.

Or do we trust them more?

It’s hard to predict how the future of our security will evolve, but we can say this is a major shift of who will be controlling that security.

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